DEMON SLAYER - “Logo” Ramen Bowl
Demon Slayer is a shonen manga written by Koyohar Gotoge from 2016 to 2020. The manga comprises 23 volumes and is one of the best-selling mangas in history. It follows the story of Tanjiro Kamado and his quest to find a way to heal his little sister Nezuko and make her human again.
Think you can wolf down udon faster than Tanjiro? Eat up with this bowl of ramen from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba! This white polka-dot bowl features Tanjiro's hanafuda earring symbol printed on both sides. Comes with a pair of chopsticks ( 400 ml )
Container : 400 ml
Ceramic bowl
Hand wash only
Do not microwave
Includes 1 pair of chopsticks
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